A Better Solution (Non-Combat Mission #1)
For a while now I've thought there should be missions (among other CoH activities) where the goal didn't require combat to achieve.... "Non-Combat missions." Not that combat wouldn't be possible or available in abundance, but missions that could be finished without beatin' everything up to achieve the goal. The catch, of course, is that the mission still has to be interesting and exciting. To that end, I present my first non-combat mission. This mission can be part of a longer story arc and would likely have a number of clue-gaining missions leading into it.
Contact: "Based on the information you've gained thus far, it sounds like the Council could activate their world-dominating super computer at any time! But its built-in defenses are so strong, that I'm not sure you could destroy it yourself. My contact in the council, Dr. Obsideon, gave me a copy of the plans he stole from the Council for a new, more powerful Battle Mech. He said everything you would need to build one would be in that same lab. Maybe if you could assemble one of the robots, it would be powerful enough to destroy the computer." Mission: Assemble prototype Mech. Destroy super computer.
The mission map is the typical high tech lab map, filled with Council goons and the "super computer" (an Archvillain). The computer (similar to the amazingly-annoying CoT portals) cranks out Zenith Mechs at regular intervals once it's encroached on, until it's defeated. Once inside the lab, the mission is similar to a "patrol" mission assigned in many outside zones. The location of each Battle Mech component is marked on the map and is situated in locations which would allow the hero to reach the item through stealth or careful movement (ie, no villains are sitting on top of them). Each must be retrieved and returned to a central lab location. Once all parts are collected here, a progress bar appears while the Mech is assembled. Then a big-ass Mech appears and heads off to attack the super computer. The Mech deals out much more damage than the hero (heroes) does. That's not to say that the hero couldn't destroy the computer by himself, but it'll take him much longer than the Mech.
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