Friday, September 29, 2006

[yaaawn] ...Fire & Ice...

I finally let something gel in my mind that's kind of been haunting me for quite a while. In all my mass of characters, I really don't have many fire or ice users. I've decided the reason for this is that they're just too easy, conceptually, and hence, too boring. Solar-Man! Captain Frost! ....Please. This leaves me in a bit of a quandary. From the standpoint of player curiosity, I'd like to explore the power sets; but from a character creation standpoint, I can't bring myself to make a boring toon. So I'm faced with trying to come up with something innovative that isn't "just another fire/ice character."

Stay tuned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes if you can create a really good back story or a strong character the theme wont be that important. So write something powerful and revel in that meldramatic bliss for a while before you realize your acting crazy.(or at least thats how i do it)or try listening to music while you make a character.

8:33 PM  

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