With Halloween coming up and Halloween festivities in Paragon City already underway, I thought it was time for a costume party in Pocket D..... a
real costume party. Now when I suggest this, I know you folks at Cryptic are going to freak out and say "Heavens, no! That breaks the rules! Civilization as we know it would come crashing down!" Well hear me out. We're already capable of having "costume" parties in "D" where we change our costumes and prance around socializing. But this exercise doesn't really reflect the
spirit of costumes in the real world. No identities are hidden... We still recognize each other by reticle names which remain constant in the game (and for obvious reasons). Well, there's my suggestion: Optional name changes while at the costume party in Pocket D. Think about it... The reasons we mandate different names in game really don't apply (or more precisely, don't
have to apply) at such a function in "D". There's no combat in "D". It's a strictly social environment. The biggest stumbling block I can think of is that /tells would be limited. You can't just shoot off a message to one of the dozen "Statesman"s in the room and expect it to reach your friend, Charlie, who's dressed as Statesman. Sending /tells to people you know would still rely on using their actual hero name, which would reach them normally and wouldn't have to give away their location in the zone. Beyond that, private conversations are initiated the old fashioned way... By walking up to someone, right-clicking on their toon, and initiating a chat that way.

This kind of brings me to my second suggestion, which will also rub some Cryptic folks the wrong way: Have Serge set up a costume kiosk in Pocket D for the occasion. At this kiosk (and
only at this kiosk) characters will have access to costume parts only used by the game's hallmark characters. (C'mon guys, I know you've got those costume parts coded in, they're just not accessible to the public... again, for obvious reasons). But this is a
party, and there's absolutely no reason why a dozen Statesman's couldn't be running around in here. Costumes would revert to the character's last used slot if they leave the club.
Imagine being able to really dress up as Statesman or Lord Recluse or Miss Liberty. It'd be great fun.
Only if everyone has to wear those cheap plastic masks if they want to impersonate someone known....
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