Well, That was Exhilarating.
Curse you, false vertigo! Jumping from the roof of a tall building in City of Heroes makes my stomach flop as much as jumping off a real building (or, so I imagine). Even worse, I did this as a frail, fragile level 1 blaster.
I have no idea why, after creating eleventy-berzillion characters, I haven't explored the Outbreak zone, but I haven't. Until tonight. So, I'm wandering around the zone, hither and yon, glowy-eyed thugs pitching rocks at me, when I muse... "huh. I wonder if I can get on top of any of the buildings in here." And, if fact, there are a few whose fire escapes are low enough that if you spring off some nearby refuse, you can just reach it. That's the easy part. None of these things go all the way to the top. Oh, no... Once you get as far as the ladders will take you, you have to figure out a way to leap 7+ stories from window ledge to window ledge until you reach the roof, and brother, that ain't easy.

So, if it's just a video game, why was my heart pounding before the leap? The answer, of course: because I'm a half-wit.
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