Sunday, January 15, 2006

Leadership is Exhausting

Here's a radical notion... and partly because it flies against the well-entrenched system of how things work in CoH. It's never made sense to me that abilities from the Leadership pool cost Endurance. Where's the physical exertion in guiding your teammates? Still, I acknowledge that it shouldn't come free. But what does "leadership," as a concept, really cost the "leader"? My answer: Time and attention. So, how 'bout this.... Abilities from the Leadership set stop dipping into the Endurance pool. Instead, When a character with a Leadership power activates it, it slows him. His attention is split, so he he doesn't act as quickly as if he were alone. And here's a further idea that'll rub people even wronger (Bad grammar! I don't care! HA!)... Leadership slows the character the same amount no matter how many powers from the pool are activated. Leadership is leadership no matter how well you do it (ie, how many of the pool's powers you activate). By this, a couple (and especially one) power won't seem worth the "cost." But once the character crosses over to 3 Leadership powers, it begins to feel economical. 4, it feels downright cheap. Yes, this encourages taking Leadership as an entire pool. Tragic, huh?


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