Missing Hair (No, not baldness)
I just noticed. In costume creation, there's no hair option for something like a buzz cut. You can either be bald or have the hair combed back. Correct oversight please? Thanks.
I just noticed. In costume creation, there's no hair option for something like a buzz cut. You can either be bald or have the hair combed back. Correct oversight please? Thanks.
"The Clockworks have been getting tougher recently. We think it might be the springs they're using. Can you get us a sample of the Clockworks' springs?"
Since all of my slots on Protector are full, I hopped onto the Champion server last night to play around with character building, which I enjoy. I had a few realizations.
You know what might be interesting? Psychic contacts. Instead of having a fairly clear idea of what the hero is getting into, the psychic contact will give a series of vague, mysterious "impressions." Things like: "Someone is being held against their will!" or "Machines are being used to threaten the city!" or "A terrible, evil presence is amassing an army!" The vagueries would, of course, lead to a mission with a twist on the obvious interpretation of the clues. The mission status window would show nothing more than "investigate psychic's visions." Once at whatever location the mission is in, the heroes would have to find clues to discover what the nature of the mission is. The psychic contact should not be "specialized" with any particular villian group, and their missions should be more or less random. ...Let the min/max'ers just deal with not knowing what Enhancements will likely be dropped by villains when they select the psychic as a contact.
"Ho-hum... Another mission... sneaking through the abandoned mines... beating up Circle of Thorn thugs. I wonder what..... . . . . Holy crap! What's that?? A monster?? ...down here???"
Jeezus H. Tapdancing Christ, Perez Park is a pain in the ass to work in! ...especially at lower levels, when you not only have to find your way among the forest maze, but you also have to stay alive while doing it. I spent an entire hour last night just trying to get a level 10 character in to the his mission door and finally gave up in frustration and logged off. It seems to me that this isn't exactly productive (from a commercial game production standpoint) nor precisely what the designers intended. And I believe I have a feel for what they intended with Perez Park ...I really do. After carefully considering what was going on while I raced in panicked flight through the winding paths, I think I've realized what it is that makes it so intolerable to try to navigate. The problem is the proximity of the villain mobs to each other. Obviously you have to pass by a number of mobs to get where you're going in PP. However, you don't have a chance to outrun one pursuing mob before you find yourself in the middle of another one. And with no precise knowledge of the paths nor maps to guide you through them [grumble], you end up fleeing the woods entirely to escape the dozens of villains you've picked up along the way who would surely kick your ass if you stopped. If you had the necessary space between mobs to get each one to give up their pursuit before hitting the next, groping your way through the maze would be managable.
Let's all admit it... Once we've attained those first few levels, we tend to ignore the rampant crime taking place on the streets of Paragon City. Come on, fess up... You know you do it too. After all, there's no "mission bonus" for tackling street thugs. Maybe it's superfluous, maybe not, but it occurred to me last night that heroes might be more encouraged to not just bypass all the innocent citizens being robbed if there was a badge for it. To this end, I'd like to propose the Garbage Collector badge.
"Hi. I'm Doug, and I'm a toonoholic."
OK, here's my biggie for the day, brace yourselves.
Rob replied to a post I made a couple months back basically asking, "what's wrong with taking the same power multiple times?" and I think it's worth reposting. My rationale was why not let a character take a power again upon the opening of the next power in that set. He's essentially taking a "lesser" power than the one that just opened up, so game balance -theoretically- wouldn't be compromised. Rob answered with this:
How many times have you seen the Blaster snipe an enemy to pull him out of the mob only to have half the mob kick the Blaster's ass... all just because he was doing his job and pulling? There's sure an awful lot of variations on Taunt out there. I can understand... It's a useful power. But one of the variations I think would be most useful, particularly in situations like this, is "interposing" ...using your own body to protect an ally from incoming fire. But CoH doesn't really have this ability. Here's how I'd work it:
Yaknow, there should be a simple, game-balanced way for characters i nCoH to be "wealthy." I'm think that during character creation, the player can choose whether or not his 'toon is wealthy. Number would have to be carefully balanced and tested, but my initial throughts are that wealthy characters get a +50% bonus on their earned Influence in exchange for earning 25% less experience than normal characters. It's a serious tradeoff for a serious decision, especially at higher levels where characters generally have more Influence than they know what to do with but have a hard time accruing experience.
This has bugged me since day 1. Your character can have his origin based on mutation, magic, science, technology, or have "natural" abilities.... but you can't be an alien. And I'm not talking about that sillyass "Kheldian" nonsense either. That's not really an origin, it's a reward archetype, given to players who make it to level 50. I'm talking about an origin that's just as viable as "mutation" or "technology" (and, to my mind, much more viable than a character who developes a "natural" ability to teleport). I've always wondered why Cryptic excluded this catagory. If it's supposed to be in keeping with some City of Heroes "mythos," that states there are no aliens in the CoH universe or that their nature is very limited, I think it's a terrible idea. CoH should be as generic a "comic book" setting as possible to allow players to work with as few restrictions as possible. Aliens are very comic booky [*cough*Superman *cough*SilverSurfer *cough*Starfire *cough*CaptainMarvel *cough*LegeonofSuperheroes *cough*GuardiansoftheGalaxy*cough*]. ...But I could cough all day.
I'm just full of opinions and ideas today, both big and small. Prepare for a deluge.
I love Super Jump (SuperLeap to us old school Champions players), but it's the only movement power that bugs me when it comes to traveling across water. Leaping off of water, landing on water, and leaping again? Nah.... ain't buyin' it. And there's a simple fix. Stands to reason that someone who can leap from building to building would be a mighty swimmer. When a super jumper hits the water, change his animation to the normal swimming animation, but have each stroke carry him much much farther than normal swimming (just like jumping carries them farther than normal jumping). See? All logical-like.