(Apologies in advance to those with slow graphics load times.)
I think it's time I exposed my addiction to the harsh light of day. I'm jokingly known to have a lot of characters spread across all the various servers, but I don't think anyone knows just how many I really have. It's time to come clean. They say the first step towards curing an addiction is admitting you have a problem. I'm not willing to admit to that yet ...so don't expect to see an end to these any time soon... but even I was a little unnerved when I tallied up just how many character I've created. I still have my primary set (
proudly illustrated here), so I won't give them duplicate coverage here. I've also mentioned
Victroller, Crosstown, and the
Crimson Brain elsewhere. Some of the toons depicted here maybe have been mentioned before but this is their first public appearance. I'll add scintillating commentary where appropriate.
We'll start with my contributions to the "Bad Food" villain theme group mentioned earlier this year. While I find most of them a hoot, by far my favorites are
Spam-Thing and
Baby Back. "Where's the vomit emote when I need it??" was commented about Spam-Thing by someone playing a knockoff of The Monarch from Venture Bros. High praise indeed. The rest of the motley (moldy?) crew are:
Macho Cheese, Salad Shooter, Canned Ham, Psi Ala'mode, and
Bananas Flambe.

The next more or less related group of characters are the ones inspired by my time on the
Underground roleplaying game. In the instances of
The Stigmatador (long running toon pictured in my original family of characters),
The Testosteronin, and
The Crimson Ka-boom I've simply lifted the names from the game and made them my own.
The Atomic Kennedy (also from my original family)
, American Lesion, and
Line-Item Vito were designed with the hope of capturing the actual
Underground look and feel as best I could with available CoH costume bits, as well as the "Cyber-Celebs"
Charnel Houser MD (Neil Patrick Harris),
Apollo Creep (Carl Weathers), and
Iron Will (William Shatner). I love the over-the-top look of The Ka-boom and, combined with my love of his Energy/Energy power set, would probably play him like wild if I didn't already have Turbulence (pictured shortly) leveled up so far. He also, sadly, calls attention to the lack of a "blowing shit up" power set for blasters.

Next are two additions to my 1920's hero group, The Midnight Squadron...
Tesla's Monster and
The Frightener.

And now a parade of assorted inspirations, some successful, some.... not so much.
Turbulence: I love playing this guy. There's something immensely satisfying about blasting villains all over the map, and the knockback-rich Energy/Energy power set does that with gusto!
Hawkeyee: My place on the new archery power bandwagon. Now with 75% less copyright infringement!

That Crazy Guy (mentioned previously
here): A regular joe running around beating down thugs with nothing more than his raw punch?? He must be ...well... crazy. Here he is in his dirty wife-beater and faded jeans.
Captain Aztec: Sure, the idea is dumb as hell, but I was just too tempted by the costume posibilities.

Dr. Necropolis: The cool, slick bridge between this world and the next!
Absolute Zero: I'd never made an ice-powered guy before and decided it was time to try it. In hindsight, I question my double-edged naming wisdom.

Ampere: Because I just wanted to make a guy with a giant cranium who's covered in glowing circuitry. Abandoned almost immediately for the infinately more humorous Ampiere!
Ampiere!: The electrical Frenchman! Oui!

Poultrygeist: Vengeance most fowl from beyond the grave! Fun to play and darkly humorous, he also calls attention to the need for "beaks and bills" costume options. Oh, the slight....!
Houn'gan: The illusions power set lends itself nicely to a voodoo character, and I wanted one. Strangely, I spent literally 2 hours trying to come up with just the right "cool" name for him, failed, and used this.

Sea Urchin: Conceived from the realization that there aren't many aquatic heroes in CoH. Now I know why. Nothing currently exists in CoH to make an aquatic hero particularly.... aquatic. No water powers [grumble] and no swimming travel power.
Helena Handbasket: 'Nihilistic punker chick with a giant gat! I don't normally play with female toons, but some concepts simply require it.

Bronze Bombshell: Ditto here. My female Doc savage.
Pale Shadow: One day only one server was up. I hurredly spat this guy out to have someone to play there.

Kiln Lord: I'd wanted to make a character with the name Kiln God (a common ceramics term) but apparently divine names are forbotten. I wanted his armor to look like it was glowing, but there's no good costume option for that. When his fire powers are active, it helps.
The Rhino of Righteousness!: ....it was late....

The Clockwork Juggernaut: An attempt to create a character as huge and imposing as possible in CoH. Having viewed him from head on, charging down the street, I think I succeeded. If I was a Hellion,
I'd be scared if I saw this thing crashing down on me!
Titanium Man: If I was going to make a wicked-ass Iron Man, what would he look like?

Lastly, the only villains I've bothered to create other than the Bad Food guys. None of these guys has gone anywhere, mainly because I'm just not into playing villains on CoH. There's also the issue that villains can't
really be villainous that makes it a waste of time.
The Atomic Lenin: Arch-nemesis of The Atomic Kennedy!
Slice-cicle: He'll stab you to death with vicious pointy ice!

Zombettie: What if Bettie Page rose from the grave?
Naughty Gras: I was feeling festive in February.

Burning Itch: Oh, the things we think of at 4am. I have no idea what I was thinking here, but I really shouldn't be allowed to log on after 2:00. At least it successfully embodies the name?

I think that's the whole sweaty lot. I'm proud of them! Well..... most of them......