Friday, January 27, 2006

The Beginning of the End?

A no-win situation is barrelling my way. I was asked last night if I would take over leading my supergroup. Our current leader, and honestly, the glue that binds the group together, has answered the siren's call of World of Warcraft. He says he's not going to be around as much. While I think (in all modesty) that I'm good for a team, I'm not a good team leader. I also can't fight and type at the same time.

I really like this group... It's made me sad-slash-annoyed that they've become unfocused. I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better for everyone involved in the group if we just disbanded rather than slowly starve to death. Sure, I'd be sad. But I need a regular group to team with who I like. Whether it's this group or not, I'm going to need to find one soon.


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