When Good Food Goes Bad
I feel dirty. I succumbed to the urge to create villains... A bunch of villains. When Curt & Vicki told me they and Jim were putting together a food-themed villain group, I had to test my creativity. Granted, I'll probably almost never play these things, but they were a hoot to make up. So far in the group, the others had made villains such as Shishka Bob, Mocha Jawa, Cereal Kill, and Salsa Verde. To this, I add:
-Bananas Flam'be: Fire/Kinetic Corruptor (ie, Blaster). I just wanted a character whose name was "Bananas."
-Baby Back: Necromancy/Poison Mastermind. He summons zombies. (He has spare ribs. "Spare ribs!" Get it?? HA!!)
-Spam-Thing: Fire/DarkArmor Brute (ie, Tanker). My attempt to produce Man-Thing made out of tastey proccessed meat product. I have to admit, he's kind of my favorite so far. ("Whatever knows indigestion burns at the Spam-Thing's touch!" ....yeah, it's a comic geek moment.)
-Salad Shooter: PlantControl/ThornyAssault Dominator (ie, Comtroller). Not real happy with how he ended up looking. Interesting to play though.
-Macho Cheese: Gun-totin', orange-wearin' Mexican hombre! AssaultRifle/ThermalRadiation Corruptor. He shoots guns.... I bore easily.
-Canned Ham: SuperStrength/EnergyAura Brute. He's a pig man in armor. He hits things.... and boy don't that get old quick.
-Psi ala'Mode: IceControl/PsionicAssault Dominator. Freeze stuff; shoot it. Lather, rinse, repeat.
That's all I've made thus far. I'm sure I'll squirt out a few more before I tire of the silliness. And then it's back to playing a serious character...... like Poultrygeist.